In the future, salespeople will be assisted by an AI agent that monitors tele-conversations in real time. Most salespeople still rely on a telephone call (or equivalent) as a critical part of the sales process. Second, AI will affect sales processes in various industries. As such, far flung suburbs may become more attractive, vis-à-vis the case today. Driverless vehicles could also impact the attractiveness of real estate, because (1) driverless cars can move at faster speeds, and so commute times will reduce, and (2) commute times will be more productive for passengers, who can safely work while being driven to their destination. Taxi and ride-sharing businesses must evolve to avoid being marginalized by AI-enabled transportation models demand for automobile insurance (from individual customers) and breathalyzers (fewer people will drive, especially after drinking) will likely diminish, whereas demand for security systems that protect cars from being hacked will increase (Hayes 2015).

First, in the transportation industry, driverless, AI-enabled cars may be just around the corner, promising to alter both business models and customer behavior. These impending transformations might be best understood using three illustrative cases from diverse industries (see Table 1). In the future, artificial intelligence (AI) appears likely to influence marketing strategies, including business models, sales processes, and customer service options, as well as customer behaviors.